Libury Hall is community for residents who live here because they need, or have needed in the past, varying degrees of practical, physical and emotional support in certain aspect of daily living. Libury Hall is based in a rural location. The aim is to provide for their care needs in a supportive but also stimulating environment. Most residents live in the main building and some live in cottages nearby and do quite a lot for themselves under the general care and supervision of staff. Some residents have mental health difficulties, others have learning difficulties; or a combination of both. The fact that some have lived in institutions for many years means that helping them to recover lost skills and to enjoy as full and varied a life as possible is an important aspect of the work for care staff. All staff need to give the necessary help in a way that respects residents and treats them with dignity and that encourages them to retain or regain as much independence and control of their own lifestyle as possible..
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All staff members work as a team. Each has his or her own main responsibilities and all are expected to co-operate with one another since there is considerable overlap in the duties necessary for the smooth running of the home. For each period of duty there is a Team Leader member of staff with overall responsibility for the work of all staff and for the home generally.
Duties include:
This list is not exhaustive.